August 30, 2010

the extra curricular

who says all i've been doing is sitting in class and listening to my teachers all day long? that's boring, obviously :P i'd like to plug in two of the things i'm overly excited about because i'm FINALLY going to do something awesome \:D/

Sneak Peek: September 8, 2010 (wednesday) during the JSP week
Toujin Bazaar: September 20-25, 2010 (tentative) 
Colayco Pavilion, Ateneo de Manila University 

so somehow, i ended up deciding to be a marshal instead of a hostess. yes, you might say that fear got the better of me so i clicked on the word 'marshal' instead. and i don't have money for extravagant costumes and the like -- how am i going to survive with only my wardrobe? well, if the bar allowed casual clothes, that would've been cool, but it's a 'bar' and the image i can only form inside my brain is the image of Le Mirage *remembers yaoi con days*. 

After going to one orientation/training session, i actually think my job's pretty easy. it's something i can DEFINITELY handle -- with a smile! :D plus, there are some people i know who're marshals too, so it's all good :D 


October 2-3, 2010
Function Room 5, SMX Convention Center

THIS i swear i'm looking forward to. I went all the way to Magallanes for the meeting and i'm glad i saw ate Sheri and ate Ice and Kuya Shin and Kuya C2 and Kuya Mark again. Kuya Glenn didn't appear, but it's alright :) we all know he's in it anyway :D 

I ended up going to Secretariat rather than marshaling for this one. i was actually tempted to go to the Cosplay team, but then... can i REALLY do THAT? Entrance and Exit seemed so much easier to do anyway :) plus, we'll be sort of front liners for everything -- so we're kinda special too :D I can't wait for October for this one >M< yeah, i'm getting hyped up for volunteering, but who cares? at LEAST i have something awesome to do :D 

so that was just a shameless plug, but i hope you guys can check them out ;) it'll be FUN :D it would be awesome if you can spot me too ;) 


August 11, 2010

writing without a thesis statement this time

no, this is a BLOG and it'll stay that way. 

one of the many reasons why i've abandoned this tiny internet space of mine is because i've been doing papers for both english and lit and both, frustratingly, need to have this some certain structure to them. i admit, i am guilty of this one: i never do the coherence shiz. i fail at it, regrettably, but blogs don't exactly force you to comply with that. i don't think readers would give me a B or an F just because they didn't seem to get my thesis statement or because i don't exactly adhere to some criteria. with that said, get ready for some serious and intense rambling.