January 24, 2010

daily project: 3 out of 3 today!

i'm so proud!

zhar, angel, sam and i managed to finish not only making chapter 5 but also editing chapters 3 AND 4 for the sole reason of editing them. oh lord i'm so glad :) so today's daily project was a success! right now, zhar's compiling all 5 chapters into one word document with the additional table of contents and title page. gosh... FINALLY! after 7 months of hard work, we're DONE

it sounds like a dream come true *sniff*

although in the middle of it all, i got pissed big time: at i didn't really understood what 'sampling design' meant and i was panicking big time already because it was already around 8. then here comes hrin and the conversation goes like this:

Henrietta Fall: design sample?
elisha liganor: don't fuck with me
elisha liganor: i swear
Henrietta Fall: well from the looks of it, elisha
Henrietta Fall: what else can you think of wit hjust those two words

like C'MON!!! i was in the verge of losing it and you just HAD to make it worse by stating something as stupid as that and then following it up with something equally useless ._. gahd... i have been bitching about thesis in my plurk for the past 3 hours and i think everyone knows how lousy i am at thesis work but then... gah!

a lesson: never ever EVER do that. especially to people who are quite in a knot.


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